Tuesday, June 3, 2008

my shorts!

Here are those jeans-to-shorts I worked on recently! I'm so proud. *grins*

These were a pair of capris, which fit perfectly well, but were really weirdly flared at the ends, just above the ankles, and it looked really strange. And after a few fruitless trips to the mall, trying to find a cute pair of shorts that were also cheap, I decided to make my own. (I mean, the ones I wanted in Kamiseta were 800 pesos! I can't spare that for shorts!)
Here's how they look. Sorry I don't have any "before" pictures, I wasn't able to borrow a camera yet.
Here's a close up of my spontaneous embroidery on the pocket: Look at my tabs! Oooooohh, yeah.

Close up of the vintage buttons Mom never got around to using:

Tadah! Possibly my best clothing reconstructing project ever.
Now I have shorts! Thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

Elle! you mentioned I could buy anything? even this? nah I'mm kidding. But, you know, if its for sale....+)
I want da warmers. iz just too cute. how much are they? btw your sister mentioned your scrumptious opinion, so i checkered. =))

kathryn (cartera) xoxxox

Elle said...

kathryn! hi. :)

hahaha! i could do your pants though. :)

um. i have no idea how much they are. XD
i'll have to get back to you on that. hehe.