Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Something I did today.
I am a bit afraid to ink it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

recent happenings

I'm hard at work on my cardigan, which is in the most mustard-y yellow I found at National. It's 10 pesos a roll, so I can only buy 2 at a time, since I am broke, and it's killing me! I hate stopping in the middle of something. I can't wait to go to the mall and buy more. I sketched a LOT this week. I'm easing back into it. Haven't drawn in ages.
This is a scene from Say Anything. Listening to music in the attic:
And taking silly pictures. That's a necklace I made, by the way.
And Ina's genius idea to scan my drawing and print it out on book pages.



Remember this guy? I made him for Ina a while back. Anyway, he now has a friend:

Aren't they adorable? The green one's my going-away gift for Miguel. *sniff*

I stuck him in a nano case, just for fun.
Wish it was my case, but no... I got it from our neighbor. I thought it would come in handy.

So cute and green!

I don't know if I'm going to sell these.

I mean, make them to sell. These particular ones are taken. Hehe.